Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Santorini - day 34

The days are just rolling by now! We have checked out of our hotel and are now waiting to get on the ferry to take us back to Athens. We also managed to squeeze in a little more shopping this morning but I'm thinking we should have stayed put as I fell over in the street and twisted my ankle. I think it's time to go
This is what's happening over the next few days.
Ferry from Santorini to Athens this afternoon
Tomorrow at 5pm we get a flight from Athens to Zurich and then board another flight to Bangkok.
We have one night in Bangkok to break up the trip home.
Then we catch a flight on Saturday night from Bangkok to Brisbane and get in at midday.

Our holiday is rapidly coming to a close but we have had the best time and are sad in one way of leaving but happy to be going home!

Here are some highlights of Santorini:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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